Draw lessons from accidents and pay close attention to production safety – the company held a safety conference to inform and summarize the lessons learned from the gas explosion in Jilin and Jilin

Draw lessons from accidents and pay close attention to production safety – the company held a safety conference to inform and summarize the lessons learned from the gas explosion in Jilin and Jilin

July 6, in accordance with the instructions of General Manager Ding Changan, Deputy General Manager Zhang Shuai convened the company’s deputy general manager, heads of all departments and security staff, convened a safety and security conference informed 7.2 Guizhou Qianxinan 7.4 Songyuan natural gas pipeline explosion accident situation . Profoundly learn the lessons of the accident, with a high degree of responsibility for the company and society attitude. Firmly tense and grasp  safe production. Resolutely prevent the accident and keep the company safe production situation continued steady.

Meeting requirements: First, all departments should carry out a thorough investigation of hidden dangers, and formulate effective hidden danger rectification measures for the identified hidden dangers.They should establish and improve departmental hidden accounts, and report hidden risks to the company on a regular basis. Second, The departments should continue to do a good job in safety production and implement safety responsibilities so as to earnestly carry out various safety work such as gas project construction, transmission and distribution operation, user security services, heating safety, vehicle safety, fire protection and flood control lightning protection; Thirdly, enhance the safety management level of the company and strive to promote the standardization of production safety and establish a safety standardization management system covering all the production processes of the company so that it will become an effective tool for the safety management of the company and also strive to promote safety in manufacturing jobs.  In order to ensure the smooth progress of the creation work, the company will set up a leading group for safety and standardization in the near future.

Zhang Shuai, deputy general manager stressed that security responsibilities is weightier than Mount Tai. Safety precautions should be taken precautionary measures. There must be no slightest chance of luck in the work.  All departments should organize a profound lesson learned from the two accidents, sum up experience, conscientiously do a good job in equipment and facilities pipeline inspection and user safety inspection and thoroughly examine the hidden dangers. Every accident is a wake-up call that urges us to constantly reflect on it. We must make our safety work more rigorous and meticulous and with a high sense of responsibility so as to ensure the continuous and safe operation of the company.

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